Monday, 23 August 2010

Sooper Cauliflower Oorgai

We went to visit a friend last night. When we got there, the couple (from Andhra) asked us to stay for dinner (actually they said, “You have to stay for dinner, or else you will have to take the food home!”), so we decided to stay.

At our friend’s house, we had cauliflower oorgai - it was all karam karam and soo yummy! I have never tried it before and to cut a long story short - loved it! Our friend was even kind enough to give me some to take home. It is good to be Indian sometimes :D

I asked her for the recipe and am now sharing it with you. I can’t wait to try making it myself! You could store it in the fridge for a few weeks atleast without worrying about it going off.

1 medium sized cauliflower
1 garlic (optional)
5-6 tsp chillipowder
Juice from 4-5 large lemons
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds (vendhiyam)
1 – 2 tsp mustard seeds

For tadka:
1-2 tablespoons oil
1tsp mustard seeds
Pinch of asafoetida (if you decide to not use the garlic, then you can use extra asafoetida)

1) Cut the cauliflower into small florets.
2) Add the chilli powder and salt to the lemon juice
3) Add above to cauliflower
4) Fry the fenugreek seeds with a tsp of oil
5) Blend roasted fenugreek seeds and mustard seeds together into a fine powder.
6) Add above powder to the cauliflower soaking in lemon juice.
7) Fry the tadka items together (until the mustard seeds pop) and add to the pickle.

This pickle can be eaten immediately but will taste best after a day or two. You can adjust the lemons, chilli powder and salt to taste...

“An unexpected dinner with a friend,
lead me to this unique blend,
this spicy cauliflower pickle,
definitely made my taste buds tickle!”


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